Horoscope Today, September 28 By Astro Sundeep Kochar: Accept The Truth, Libra

Daily horoscope predictions: Check out the astrology forecast for all 12 zodiac signs by ace astrologer Dr Sundeep Kochar. As you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell. 

Sundeep Kochar | Sep 28, 2023, 05:45 AM IST



You're experiencing a surge of motivation, Aries! You're recalling the reasons you embarked on this journey and the ways you've committed to changing collective awareness. Have confidence that the help and resources you require will be provided as long as you stay true to your core values. Your romantic prospects are looking up too. If you've been in a relationship for a while, consider getting to know your partner's circle. It seems likely that you'll connect with them on multiple levels!




You're convinced that your partner is the right one, and you're ready to put in the effort to make things succeed. You're prepared to be vulnerable and give your all without being fixated on a specific outcome. You're learning that what belongs to you can't be taken away, and that you can consistently choose love despite your fears. You're understanding that you don't need to be anyone but your authentic self to gain acceptance from those around you.




Blaming others won't help, Gemini. You're not communicating your desires or how you want the relationship to progress. Expecting people to read your mind will only lead to disappointment. Today's message is about the power of open, honest communication, even if it means overcoming your inner doubts. It's likely you'll find a solution to the situation sooner than you think.




We all long for the familiar embrace and comfort. We yearn to be with those who made us feel at home. However, there were valid reasons for the past not working out, Cancer. Instead of succumbing to nostalgia, reaffirm your boundaries and communicate clearly. Prioritizing yourself might be challenging, but it's a lesson you need to integrate now.




Embrace the impermanence of everything, including life itself. Understand that as you evolve, your priorities will shift. Dreams that once held significance may lose their appeal over time. This change can be sudden, and you might experience it soon. While the urge to isolate yourself is strong, try being honest about your needs instead of pushing others away. You have the strength to handle this, dear Leo!




You're evolving and learning from past mistakes. You recognize that your desires have changed. Accept where you are, Virgo. You're not willing to settle for half-hearted love right now. This phase calls for transparent communication. By sharing your vision with others, you can collaboratively shape a new reality.




Accept that people won't change or confront their fears unless they're ready. Acknowledge that they might not share the same viewpoints. The good news is that you can choose curiosity. Ask important questions and seek to understand their perspective.




Fear and faith can coexist, Scorpio. The question is, which will you choose? It seems you're inclined to reclaim your power and rediscover your purpose. Trusting in yourself and the universe will make room for miracles.




Naturally, you might feel resentment or paint others as villains. However, when you see them as catalysts in your story, anger dissipates. Recognize that we're all players in a grand production directed by divine consciousness. Approach situations with love and compassion. Forgiving your past will grant you freedom.




Others may not comprehend your choices, and that's okay. You're the author of your life's narrative. Embrace acceptance, Capricorn. Recall the promises you made to yourself in private. Once you find inner peace, external opinions won't disturb you.




You've been confronting your fears and having breakthroughs in your relationship. Still, occasional loneliness creeps in, and you navigate your inner struggles privately. Remember, your current challenges contribute to your healing journey and shedding old layers.




Remember, Pisces, it's not about you. Perhaps the other person isn't ready for full commitment. Manage your expectations and invest in relationships where the effort is mutual. If you're the one withdrawing, reflect on your fear of intimacy. It's time to open up to love and believe it's safe to do so.

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