Horoscope for November 16 by Astro Sundeep Kochar: Keep an open mind, Geminis!

Check your horoscope prediction and know how the stars and planets in your respective zodiac sign will affect your day today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Each of the signs has something unique to say.

Sundeep Kochar | Nov 16, 2021, 05:45 AM IST

It's a new day, a new beginning. It's all about starting life afresh. So as you begin a new journey, find out what the stars have in store for you today. There are twelve zodiac signs and each has its distinct features. Be it, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces — each of the signs has something unique to tell.

The astrological predictions are by Dr Sundeep Kochar.

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You have such a smart personality, Virgo and you can discover answers for issues that others basically miss. Some of you might be focused on the grounds that your accomplice is battling with some circumstances and you are feeling defenseless about it. Remain positive and trust that all will be well. You would some way or another wind up looking for isolation or having a mental meltdown.




Is it safe to say that you are feeling overwhelmed by your present conditions? Provided that this is true, it's an ideal opportunity to free yourself based on what's hindering you. Set aside effort for yourself and make it unmistakable to others that you need your space.




Being engaged and aggressive, you can make progress. In any case, you have to enable others to settle on certain choices as well. You can't practice your control on them constantly. You will be regarded today by your nears and dears since you have consistently stayed faithful to them.




Your uplifting frame of mind keeps you energetic about existence and you cherish difficulties. You have consistently been fortunate about cash and in this way have no second thoughts over spending it. You have been endeavoring to win your money, concentrating on your vocation and becoming famous. Not being a hoarder of cash, you have no blame while spending it.




You are most alright with your old colleagues. You will get the desire to simply embark for some quiet and loosening up spot with a couple of your dear companions and let your hair down. Figuring out how to unwind is significant for you, Pisces, as you are continually 'giving' to individuals without expecting anything back.




You unduly stress yourself about circumstances that are not heavily influenced by you. Since you are so dedicated to flawlessness, you invest a great deal of energy in your work. This can prompt wellbeing problems.You simply need to figure out how to partition your time well among work and exercise. Simply keep an hour aside for some energetic walk every day.




You are a huge hearted individual and you don't hold resentment for a really long time. You are faithful to your companions thus simply that tad of adoration and generosity from their side, will cause you to excuse effectively. It doesn't take much for you to excuse, Leo.




Keep an open mind today, or else you might not be able to understand what is going on around you. Don't simply acknowledge things without needing any proof. There's a greater picture to consider and completely, it's delightful.




Duty and desire are your hallmark. You utilize your vitality carefully; concentrating at work close by to arrive at the objective you have in mind.You work with assurance and urge everyone around you to do likewise. Indeed, even with your coffers full, you won't enable relatives to take things simple. 'You work; you eat' is the mantra that you pursue.




You think with your heart, feel with your heart and furthermore 'hurt' with your heart. You like to accept that since you are so delicate to other individuals' needs, you anticipate that they should consistently be accessible for you. Learn not to rely upon other individuals for your satisfaction, Cancer.




Some relationships will turn out to last longer today, both at work and in your personal life. This could be something to be thankful for, as it might open up the ways to some interesting futures for you. Attempt to unwind and have a good time and get closer to these relationships. Build your stand and have fun.




You like to keep yourself detached as you esteem your opportunity and would not consider including yourself genuinely with anybody.  You appreciate gathering work yet won't get individual with others.

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