Super Idea: Start your business with just Rs 2000 and earn up to Rs 4 lakh monthly; Check details

Zee Media Bureau | Nov 21, 2022, 16:40 PM IST

Bonsai farming

Bonsai farming

A Japanese art form known as bonsai uses cultivation methods to grow miniature trees in pots that resemble the size and shape of real trees. The analysis analyses the competitive landscape of the worldwide bonsai market, identifying key opportunities and challenges, and graphically depicts sales and profit estimates as well as the market share and size of recognised companies. The market study includes a regional overview and a global analysis of the Bonsai industry.




Nowadays bonsai is considered a lucky plant. It is also used for decoration in homes and offices. The price of these plants in the market can range from Rs 200 to around Rs 2500. Apart from this, people who are fond of the Bonsai plant are ready to pay its asking price.


farming method

farming method

Regular farming and bonsai cultivation are completely different. From picking the right potting soil to the length of the budding process, everything is so diverse. Unlike typical plants, bonsais take a few days to create a leaf or a flower. To initiate the business, you need clean water, sandy soil or sand, pot and glass pot, ground or terrace, 100 to 150 square feet, clean pebbles or glass tablets, thin wire, spray bottle to sprinkle water on the plant. And to make a shed, a net will be required.


Investment capital

Investment capital

You can start this business with limited capital. However, it will take some time to get profit because it takes at least two to five years to be ready. You can also earn by bringing ready plants from the nursery and selling them at 30 to 50 percent higher price.


Cultivation cost

Cultivation cost

The cultivation will cost an average of Rs 240 per plant in three years. In a move to promote cultivation and to help the farmer economically, the government offers the assistance of Rs 120 per plant. Apart from the North East where 60 percent of subsidies are legitimate, the government assistance is 50 percent of the subsidy. This 50 percent is a shared subsidy which comprises 60 percent from the central government and 40 percent from the state government.


Area per tree

Area per tree

According to the need and species of bonsai, you can plant 1500 to 2500 trees in one hectare. About 1500 trees can be planted in one hectare if you plant trees on 3 x 2.5 meters. If you want, you can grow another crop in the space left between the two plants. This will give a return of Rs 3 to 3.5 lakhs in 4 years. The best part of this practice is you will not need to do replantation every year because the bamboo plant lasts for about 40 years.

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