Explained: Why you can't buy lands in THESE states

Jan 02, 2023, 20:02 PM IST

In some Indian states and Union Territories (UTs), it is prohibited for residents of other countries or regions to purchase real estate. In some states, foreigners are permitted to buy residential properties but not agricultural property. Continue reading to know more about the laws and the states where you can't buy lands.




Sikkim is granted unique privileges under Article 371(F), which forbids the sale and purchase of land or property to outsiders. In the Himalayan state of Sikkim, only locals are permitted to purchase real estate, and in the tribal areas, only tribal members are permitted to purchase real estate. However, land purchases by outsiders are only permitted for the construction of industrial buildings.




The state's Constitution prohibits non-residents from purchasing land under Article 371A. Only tribe members who live in the state are permitted to purchase land under its legal system.


Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh

The transfer of land to a non-agriculturist by a sale, will, trade, etc. is prohibited by Section 118 of the Himachal Pradesh Tenancy and Land Reforms Act. However, Section 118 has procedures that permit an outsider to purchase both land and property in the state after requesting official consent. It is important to note that the term "land" in this context refers to occupied or leased land used for agriculture. A potential land buyer must submit an application and specify the reason for which the land is being purchased. The state government then decides after confirming all information.




The transfer of land in the state belonging to Scheduled Tribes/Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes is prohibited by Section 46. However, the aforementioned types of people may give their land to neighbours and others who live in the same police station area through a will, a gift, an exchange, or a sale.


Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh

Arunachal Pradesh prohibits the sale of land or property to non-natives and outsiders. Even the native tribal groups had no individual claim to the land; instead, it belonged to communities.




The Uttarakhand government passed a law in 2003 limiting the amount of agricultural land that outsiders may purchase for residential use to 250 square metres.

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