Want a good night's sleep? Sip on these herbal teas!

 Want a good night's sleep? Sip on these herbal teas!

Jul 27, 2016, 12:57 PM IST

 Want a good night's sleep? Sip on these herbal teas!


While there isn't much scientific evidence that teas can really make you sleep, some plants and herbs have been found to be effective and useful as they help you unwind and relax after a long tiresome working day.

Take a look at some herbal teas that are packed with antioxidants and are also believed to promote sleep:


Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea

Drinking chamomile tea has been shown to effectively help individuals achieve a better night's rest. Chamomile can be given to children in small doses as well. Chamomile not only helps people fall sleep faster, but also helps them to sleep more deeply.


Lavender tea

 Lavender tea

With its medicinal properties, lavender is an excellent choice for a good night's rest as it can help to ease your body and mind. Lavender works great for both children and adults.


Lemon balm tea

Lemon balm tea

Lemon balm tea is actually an ideal choice for insomniacs. This tea can help reduce stress, indigestion, anxiety, thereby enhanceing sleep.




Drinking peppermint tea before bed has ben shown to improve sleep. The tea can help relax the muscles, leading to more restful sleep. Peppermint tea also has properties that can even help you dream more vividly.


Ginger and turmeric tea

 Ginger and turmeric tea

Turmeric and ginger are two big things when it comes to your health due to their medicinal properties. Ginger and turmeric tea mix with honey and lemons can be used as a sleep remedy before bed.

By: Salome Phelamei