Unnecessarily exhausted? These five foods might be weighing you down! (Watch slideshow)

Unnecessarily exhausted? These five foods might be weighing you down! (Watch slideshow)

Aug 01, 2016, 00:04 AM IST

Unnecessarily exhausted? These five foods might be weighing you down! (Watch slideshow)


While many may feel tired or fatigued becuase of all the work they are doing, sorry to burst your bubble, but a major cause for this may also be the food that you consume on a daily or regular basis.

Some of you may feel that you're eating healthy, however, some of 'healthy eats' might be also be sapping your energy, messing with your digestion, spike blood sugar and might also wake you up at night!

Therefore, we present to you five such foods that should not be consumed regularly, if you want your energy levels to remain high!




Before you start protesting, we are not denying that oatmeal is a fantastic energy-booster, but its the toppings you add to it that kill your energy. Stick with oatmeal all you want, however, top your bowl with energy-sustaining fixings like nut butter, chopped nuts, or chia seeds.




High in fat, nuts are also quite easy to overeat, which can make you lethargic. There's no denying that they are good for you, but excess of it can mess up your digestion and also make you sleepier. Instead, you can put one-quarter cup servings into small snack-sized bags to ensure that you don't overeat. If you crave for more, go with an apple.


Red wine

Red wine

Again, being one of the healthier forms of alcohol, red wine can also mess with your sleep and make for a groggy next day. It may aid you in falling asleep faster, but your sleep will often be short-lived. If you're someone who cannot resist their glass of red, make sure you have the drink at least two-three hours before bed. Drink water after every glass of red wine for good measure.


Vegetable chips

Vegetable chips

The first big issue with this food item is that they are processed. Second? They are also excessively salty. Last, but not the least, their main ingredient consists of potato starch which is a refined carb that contributes to making you lethragic and sluggish. What you can do to avoid feeling that way is make your own chips! It's not that hard and you can use healthier vegetables like Kale, sweet potatoes, etc.


Flavoured yogurt

Flavoured yogurt

Shocked? Yes, unfortunately, you can go wrong with that too! You can go with plain Greek yogurt, instead, and opt for berries and nuts as toppings.

-- By Udita Madan