Scotch: Popularity of the famous Scottish blend and its health benefits

Scotch: Popularity of the famous Scottish blend and its health benefits

Jun 27, 2016, 10:50 AM IST

Scotch: Popularity of the famous Scottish blend and its health benefits


The great American actor Humphrey DeForest Bogart's last spoken words, “I should never have switched from Scotch to Martini's”, seem to have been adopted as an oath, a pledge even, for the youth of today.

Recent surveys have revealed that millennials across the globe are gradually beginning to prefer Scotch whiskey over other alcoholic alternatives like tequila, vodka, rum, etc.

Be it in a mood of celebration or for drowning one's sorrows, most 25-year-olds are opting to spend their hard-earned cash on the Scottish staple, once associated with stuffy old men in tweed jackets.

Why? Well, it's pretty obvious that Scotch holds a certain standard, a reputation, without compromising on quality.

It's smooth taste and texture makes it more desirable, making blended Scotch more popular among the youth.

Although, in the early days, Scotch whiskey may not have been intended as a social drink – it was more likely used for medicinal purposes – it is the first recorded reference to the distilling of whiskey in Scotland.

But, did you know that it has numerous health benefits as well? Check them out, they might compel you to switch to Scotch!  


Heart health

Heart health

Numerous studies have shown Scotch whiskey to be good for heart health. New studies have now revealed, that indulging in moderate amounts of Scotch, lowers heart disease risk by at least 50 percent and prevents other cardiovascular issues.


Weight loss

Weight loss

Alcoholic beverages are mostly associated with obesity, weight gain and other weight management issues. This is undoubtedly true, however, drinking in moderation won't affect your weight that much, particularly in the case of Scotch. This smooth liquor has no fat and very little sodium. It does contain calories and carbohydrates, but they are simple sugars that are quickly broken down to be used as energy for the body. So, avoid the pints of beer and go for a glass of Scotch!




Cancer is considered to be one of the most globally relevant diseases in the world and is extremely devastating. Scotch contains a powerful antioxidant in extremely high levels, by the name of ellagic acid. This powerful antioxidant makes Scotch whiskey a very effective preventive measure against cancer.




Various studies have actually shown Scotch to boost cognitive performance, while also reducing risk of dementia and Alzheimer's. Although, alcohol as a preventive measure or treatment is still a controversial and highly debated topic, the high ellagic acid content in Scotch whiskey, is a powerful fighter against free radicals in the body, which are responsible for mental decline. However, too much aalcohol kills brain cells, therefore, drinking in moderation is the key to good health.  


Controls diabetes

Controls diabetes

Since Scotch is made from fermented and matured barley and pure, clean water, it has been consistently shown to reduce the chances of diabetes by at least 30-40 percent. It helps regulate insulin and balance blood glucose levels.  


However, keep in mind that indulging in excessive alcohol can be detrimental to your health and can work in reverse. Drink in moderation to maintain good health.

By Udita Madan