Reasons why you're not losing fat around your belly!

Reasons why you're not losing fat around your belly!

Jun 02, 2016, 12:04 PM IST

New Delhi: You have been dieting and exercising regularly, but haven't done much to reduce your belly bulge. This could be be due to certain other factors which you often overlook and making it hard for you to lose thos estubborn fat.

In fact, fat around your middle is more dangerous than being overweight. It has been linked to various health problems including – heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, breathing problems, etc,.

Here are some possible reasons that are holding you back and why your belly fat won't budge:

New Delhi: You have been dieting and exercising regularly, but haven't done much to reduce your belly bulge. This could be be due to certain other factors which you often overlook and making it hard for you to lose thos estubborn fat. In fact, fat around your middle is more dangerous than being overweight. It has been linked to various health problems including – heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol, breathing problems, etc,. Here are some possible reasons that are holding you back and why your belly fat won't budge:


Breakfast is the most importan meal of the day. Skipping breakfast can slow down your metabolism in an effort to save energy and burn less calories.

Breakfast is the most importan meal of the day. Skipping breakfast can slow down your metabolism in an effort to save energy and burn less calories.


As we know that sugary drinks are loaded with empty artificial sweeteners, they are absolutely a diet disaster. Carbonated drinks also increase cravings which make you to eat more.

As we know that sugary drinks are loaded with empty artificial sweeteners, they are absolutely a diet disaster. Carbonated drinks also increase cravings which make you to eat more.


Several studies have linked alcohol to belly fat as it can increase appetitie and food intake.

Several studies have linked alcohol to belly fat as it can increase appetitie and food intake.


Most experts say that eating food before bed can make you gain weight faster as the body is not able to efficiently convert the fat into energy during sleep. Also, foods eaten during an active day will burn more quickly than foods we eat right before going to sleep.

Most experts say that eating food before bed can make you gain weight faster as the body is not able to efficiently convert the fat into energy during sleep. Also, foods eaten during an active day will burn more quickly than foods we eat right before going to sleep.


Studies have shown that too little sleep causes an increase in a hormone called ghrelin that stimulates appetite, which can have serious consequences on your waistline.

Studies have shown that too little sleep causes an increase in a hormone called ghrelin that stimulates appetite, which can have serious consequences on your waistline.


Everyone gets stressed, but when that happens, your body releases certain fight-or-flight stress hormones such as cortisol, norepinephrine and epinephrine. The stress hormone cortisol may increase the amount of fat your body clings to and enlarge your fat cells. Higher levels of cortisol have been linked to extra visceral fat.

By: Salome Phelamei

Everyone gets stressed, but when that happens, your body releases certain fight-or-flight stress hormones such as cortisol, norepinephrine and epinephrine. The stress hormone cortisol may increase the amount of fat your body clings to and enlarge your fat cells. Higher levels of cortisol have been linked to extra visceral fat. By: Salome Phelamei