Make your mornings more energetic by avoiding these five habits! - Slideshow

Make your mornings more energetic by avoiding these five habits! - Slideshow

Aug 17, 2016, 12:43 PM IST

Make your mornings more energetic by avoiding these five habits! - Slideshow


Mornings are synonymous with energy, brightness, everyday-is-a-new-day kind of feeling, but, not everyone is a morning person.

There are people who find it difficult to wake up and however hard they try, can't seem to find the energetic start to their day.

The reason for this cannot be restricted to “that's just the way we are”. There may be things that you are doing wrong, which limit you to sluggish mornings.

Want to change that? Here are five things that you might be doing wrong!


A carbohydrate breakfast

A carbohydrate breakfast

It's good if you follow the “eat your breakfast like a king” saying, but, no one said a king's breakfast needs to be loaded with carbs. Yes, a breakfast should be filling, but a breakfast full of carbs is not the way to go. Instead of food like sugary cereals, breads etc., try going for proteins or smoothies with nuts. Or opt for complex carbs like oats, which will keep you full longer.


Brushing teeth post breakfast

Brushing teeth post breakfast

Normal routine calls for brushing teeth first thing in the morning, but there are a few people who brush after breakfast. If you brush after consuming acidic food items like juices, curd or coffee, brushing your teeth will affect the tooth enamel.


Checking mails and messages

Checking mails and messages

Almost everyone will agree that one of the frst things they do the moment their eyes adjust to the light is check their phones. But it is the biggest mistake you could make. Looking at the phone screen right after waking up can be damaging to your eyes because your eyes lack moisture when you wake up.


Compromising on sleep for gym

Compromising on sleep for gym

It's great that you believe in keeping fit and workout regularly. But, if you're doing that at the cost of your sleep, it's wrong. A good night's sleep is as essential for your health as exercise. Depriving yourself of sleep to go to the gym is the wrong route to take, so don't sleep less to make time for exercising. Your body needs to be well-rested in order for you to perform better in the gym and keep your energy levels up.


A hot shower

A hot shower

A hot shower is undoubtedly super relaxing. But, your body needs a signal to understand that it's morning and warm water does the complete opposite by sending signs to your nervous system to relax the muscles. This can make you feel tired. Therefore, go for a cold shower to shake yourself up from slumber.

-- By Udita Madan