Discoveries News

NIO discovers world's first ancient settlement destroyed by tsunami

Dholavira is a site of an ancient metropolitan town of the Harappan period and was known as the largest port-town of the Harappans which flourished around 5,000 years ago, until the tsunami destroyed

Aug 30, 2016, 09:33 AM IST
Scientists discover T-Rex fossil with well-preserved skull in Montana

Scientists discover T-Rex fossil with well-preserved skull in Montana

Fossil evidence shows it ate other dinosaurs like Edmontosaurus and Triceratops, with crushed bones from the animals even showing up in its fossilized poop. 

Aug 19, 2016, 18:19 PM IST

Fifth force of nature a strong possibility: Scientists

A previously unknown subatomic light particle may be evidence of a fifth fundamental force of nature and a key to understanding dark matter in universe, according to theoretical physicists at the

Aug 16, 2016, 19:30 PM IST
Earliest evidence of human cancer found in 1.7 million-year-old bone - Watch!

Earliest evidence of human cancer found in 1.7 million-year-old bone - Watch!

The findings has just been published in South African journal of Science that highlights how industrialization and change in lifestyles triggered the incidence of cancer that are embedded deep within

Aug 02, 2016, 22:17 PM IST
Two newly found ant species are real-life replica of Game of Thrones' dragons-Watch!

Two newly found ant species are real-life replica of Game of Thrones' dragons-Watch!

The dragon ants are natives of Papua New Guinea and the research shows that they arrived at their place of origination some 12 billion years ago. 

Jul 30, 2016, 15:14 PM IST
Oldest evidence of cancer spotted in 1.7 million-year-old fossil

Oldest evidence of cancer spotted in 1.7 million-year-old fossil

The discovery of a foot bone from the site of Swartkrans located near Johannesburg with definitive evidence of malignant cancer, pushes the oldest date for this disease back from recent times into

Jul 28, 2016, 12:58 PM IST
India finds promising natural gas hydrates in Bay of Bengal

India finds promising natural gas hydrates in Bay of Bengal

The discovery, called the Indian National Gas Hydrate Programme Expedition 02, was the result of the most comprehensive gas hydrate field venture in the world made up of scientists from India, Japan

Jul 26, 2016, 17:30 PM IST
Talamancan Palm-Pitviper: Latest species to join the slithering reptiles discovered!

Talamancan Palm-Pitviper: Latest species to join the slithering reptiles discovered!

A large snake might reach about 30 inches, but most are less than 24 inches.

Jul 20, 2016, 14:50 PM IST
A robotic stingray with rat heart cells and gold skeleton!

A robotic stingray with rat heart cells and gold skeleton!

Containing about 200,000 rat heart-muscle cells, the robot measures 0.63 inches long and weighs just 10 grams.

Jul 17, 2016, 00:45 AM IST
1.5 million-year-old footprints reveal an early human ancestor walked like us

1.5 million-year-old footprints reveal an early human ancestor walked like us

This conclusion came after analyzing a 1.5 million-year-old footprint of Homo Erectus found in 2009 near the eastern shores of Lake Turkana.

Jul 15, 2016, 21:01 PM IST
New dinosaur fossil from 90 mn years ago found in Argentina

New dinosaur fossil from 90 mn years ago found in Argentina

The dinosaur was named Gualicho Shinyae, a combination of the name of an evil spirit Gualichu -- worshipped by the local Tehuelche community in the Patagonia region and Akiko Shinya, the scientist

Jul 15, 2016, 08:43 AM IST
Meet the dino with tiny arms just like T Rex

Meet the dino with tiny arms just like T Rex

A newly-discovered dinosaur from Patagonia has similar short, two-fingered claws, even though it's not closely related to the tyrannosaurs. 

Jul 14, 2016, 16:50 PM IST
Rare facial tumor is found in fossils of dwarf duck-billed dinosaur

Rare facial tumor is found in fossils of dwarf duck-billed dinosaur

They said that this type of growth is mainly found in people other mammals and some modern reptiles. 

Jul 12, 2016, 06:51 AM IST
Large Hadron Collider finds three new 'exotic' particles

Large Hadron Collider finds three new 'exotic' particles

These particles contain four quarks - the fundamental constituent of the matter inside all the atoms of the universe: two quarks and two antiquarks.

Jul 06, 2016, 14:43 PM IST
We evolved 3 times faster post dinosaur extinction

We evolved 3 times faster post dinosaur extinction

According to a new study, our ancestors evolved three times faster in the 10 million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs than in the previous 80 million years.

Jun 29, 2016, 15:46 PM IST
Watch: Meet Cozmo, a tiny robot with big brain and bigger personality!

Watch: Meet Cozmo, a tiny robot with big brain and bigger personality!

It interacts with people and responds to their emotions. Cozmo is coupled with playful personality and its eye lights up whenever it sees a familiar face.

Jun 29, 2016, 09:17 AM IST
Just found! Huge stash of ancient Helium in Africa's rift valley

Just found! Huge stash of ancient Helium in Africa's rift valley

It is rare on Earth but found in abundance in universe. Recently British scientists have discovered huge deposits of Helium (He) gas reserve in Tanzania, using a new exploration method that spells

Jun 28, 2016, 09:28 AM IST
Drone startup OpenRov developes fast underwater exploration robots

Drone startup OpenRov developes fast underwater exploration robots

Many scientists believe that it can be extremely beneficial exploring a sunken ship due to its quickness and high precision ability.

Jun 27, 2016, 16:48 PM IST
'Reprogrammed' bacteria eat carbon dioxide to produce sugars

'Reprogrammed' bacteria eat carbon dioxide to produce sugars

The changed conditions forced the bacteria to learn to use the more abundant material in their environment. 

Jun 26, 2016, 21:50 PM IST

Dinosaur-era bugs knew how to camouflage

It turns out, insects have been perfecting the art of disguise for a hundred million years.

Jun 25, 2016, 15:52 PM IST