Ramayana: Five relationship lessons Lord Ram taught us

Sanatana Dharma – popular as Hinduism – is not a religion but a way of life.

Updated: Apr 04, 2017, 10:51 AM IST

Pic courtesy: Thinkstock Photos

Lord Ram – also known as Maryada Purushotttam Ram – the man of great principles – is one of the many revered Hindu Gods, worshipped by millions across the globe.

Sanatana Dharma – popular as Hinduism – is not a religion but a way of life. Every aspect of this faith is symbolic. Indian epics and sacred texts teach humanity, the fundamentals of life on earth and thereafter.

Ramayana, has been written, re-written and reproduced in many languages by great saints and scholars. But the crux of the sacred epic remains the same. The life of Lord Ram is in itself a lesson to be learned, followed and adhered to.

Here’s taking a look at why, one could aspire to be like Lord Ram:

Devout Son:

Ram, the eldest son of King Dasaratha, could have claimed his right to the throne of Ayodhya but instead chose to give it away to his younger brother Bharat, at the insistence of his step-mother Kaikeyi.

King Dasharatha, who loved his eldest child the most of all his sons, was helpless, as Kaikeyi abused one of the boons promised by her husband years before. Shedemanded Ram's exile and kingdom for her son Bharata.

Lesson: Love and respect parents. Make sacrifices for younger siblings and those in need. Give importance to family values.

Faithful Husband:

Lord Ram left no stone unturned to rescue his wife Sita from the clutches of Lankeshwar or Ravana, who abducted her. Separation from Sita left Ram immeasurably agonised. However, the will and determination to find her, made him wage a war against Ravana, so that he could respectfully take her back home.

Later, after becoming the King of Ayodhya, Ram was compelled to ask Sita to leave the kingdom, after his subjects question him of his wife’s integrity. As a King, it was his duty to keep his subjects happy. And hence he had to choose his people over his wife. But despite being a king, who could marry any number of women, Ram chose not to remarry. He remained loyal to his wife - Sita alone and remained Eka Patni Vrata, one who vowed to have only one wife.

Lesson: Be loyal to your spouse. 

An Able King:

Ram belonged to the Suryavanshi dynasty, which produced kings of great valour. The fact that he decided to give in to his subjects’ demand of sacrificing his wife, whose purity was challenged, proves Ram’s responsibilities towards them. He received flak for abandoning his wife, but did not go against his Dharma.

The biggest dharma of a king is to keep his subjects happy.

Lesson: Do your duty, and adhere to your dharma.

A Helpful Friend:

Lord Ram helped Sugreeva fight his greedy brother Bali. Sugreeva was made the king of Kishkinda. The Lord also thanked Vibhishana by crowning him as the King of Lanka.

Both Sugreeva and Vibhishana helped Ram in the war against Ravana.

Lesson: Be grateful, helpful.

A Compassionate Human Being:

This compassionate Prince of the great Suryavanshi clan didn’t have any reservation in eating the fruits (ber) already tasted by poor old woman Shabari.

While trying to find Sita, Ram noticed a squirrel helping the vanarsena build a bridge across the ocean. He picked the tiny being in his hands and gently stroked it with compassion to acknowledge its efforts.

Lesson: Be loving and a gentle human being.