Work out to be in!

Updated: Dec 10, 2009, 17:57 PM IST

If it weren't for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn't get any exercise at all. ~Joey Adams <br/><br/>I can’t diet to save my life. A loyal foodie would totally empathise with me on how impossible it gets to keep away from binging on fried chicken, chocolate pudding, pizzas (strictly without missing on cheese) or paranthas. What’s absurd is the fact that gobbling up calories doesn’t have anything to do with hunger, actually. An eating joint is perhaps the best way to catch up with friends…wish that was an excuse! <br/><br/>Before hitting the gym, I never thought I could be munching on whatever amount of fried stuff and still be an enthusiast for fitness. As for socialising, what can be a better way when you can mix things up with a yoga session or ropes! Nothing is more fun than doing different workouts involving amazing things for the body. It keeps you hooked, and that’s like going with the trend these days. <br/><br/>The fun factor would be greater if you manage to get a friend or family member to tag along with you. So, after some time even if the novelty wears off and sluggishness takes over so that you start making excuses for skipping the routine, trust me they're never ready to buy your excuses, and would not once let you give up on your vigour! It would be hard to hate them then. Soon you get the feel of a lightened-up body and a much-relaxed soul. Though your abs are in pain, you’re sweating like a horse, running out of breath after doing a serious cardio - it’s still divine! <br/><br/>And what a bonus if you get to see the instant result of your slogging! Even a little weight-loss can be a huge motivation for the next day. I’ve been very lucky in that case…indeed. <br/><br/>On a baseline level, it isn’t easy to invest the required amount of time in the gym, especially when working hours are the problem. You may have to tell yourself that the time is too tight for gym right now. But come to think of it, even if your training is infrequent, the results would at least be minimal. And anyhow it’s definitely better than doing nothing at all and still eating, for you have no control over it, remember! <br/><br/>And by any chance, if you are thinking to attempt some strange exercises to shed your extra kilos at home itself, it’s good to chuck the idea before you start wasting your time planning about it. Believe me - you won’t do it, and I’m talking experience here. The feeling is similar to being unemployed, even if you work from home. Yes, you have to shell out some money to look and sound fit (not in the case if you can afford a home gym), but what better bargain can we get when it’s perhaps for the healthiest addiction one can get to! <br/><br/>It’s an amazing feeling of contentment when you come back after a successful workout session. It feels so great that you are little worried about bathing in the evening when the freezing cold weather forces you to keep away from water. You become a real enthusiast when you go and see people in their 50s and 60s getting increasingly concerned about health and fitness. Watching an old, fifty-five-pound lady doing crunches for her abs might be amusing but is truly inspirational. How she has embraced healthy diets and daily exercise as a way of life is worth taking a cue from. <br/><br/>I would just say that sometimes it is best to just take a little break as opposed to forcing yourself. So quickly load up your mp3 player with heart pumping songs, and get to the gym for it’s always good to start good things early! <br/><br/>