Why I am scared of being arrested?

Updated: Jul 10, 2009, 17:09 PM IST

It was 10.30 in the morning. I had just woken up and switched on my TV as per my daily routine. Our channel was showing a story of a Ghaziabad youth Ranbir Singh, who was killed in an encounter with police in Dehradun.
Since it was Live, so I stayed glued to figure out what exactly had happened before switching to another channel. I had almost forgotten about the story till I reached office in the evening and heard that it was indeed a fake encounter, or at least it was alleged.
This made me think about the various cases of police atrocities in different parts of the country.
Every other day we hear about custodial deaths, manhandling and cases of corruption related with the police. It is very difficult to come across a polite policeman, no matter what position he holds.
Things are even more difficult if you happen to be a Muslim in capital city of India. You are at risk of branded “Pakistani” anytime for anything. Don’t blame me for playing up my religious identity. It is a fact.
I can easily recall one stunning incident, which left me wondering how safe I am in my own country from the people who are supposed to protect us.
It was in the second year of my college. I was riding a friend’s bike with him sitting as the pillion. Suddenly near South Extension flyover, a policeman gestured towards me to stop. I stopped not knowing what is going to happen next.
A burly looking policeman walked up to me, took away the bike keys and asked my name. I meekly replied. <i>“Pakistani hai kya tu?”</i> (Are you a Pakistani), he said, laughing out loud.
Even though he left me after checking all my documents including my driving license, bike papers and college ID; the incident left me scared of the Delhi Police.
So now, one can very well imagine that if this is the mindset of the police in a metropolitan town like Delhi, then what could be the case in remote areas.
And since terrorists have made it easy, every Muslim criminal can easily be branded as “Pakistani”. It’s not that I support criminals or terrorists, but there could be cases when police can easily arrest an innocent man and brand him a terrorist. No one can rule out this possibility.
And I am not only concerned about Muslims. People cutting across religious line face the wrath of police who in a hurry to solve the case tries to find a face to show before media. Aarushi murder case, Jaipur blast case etc. are among the glaring examples of police mis-investigation.
The solution at the end of the day cannot be wrong conclusion to cases just because a file needs to close. But a proper investigative procedure and a much required change of mentality in the police force. Else, for us Indians, justice will continue to be made the casualty.