US-Pak ties post Osama bin Laden

Updated: May 05, 2012, 16:25 PM IST

The despicable evil man who gave American top leadership sleepless nights post 9/11 attacks was killed on the Pakistani soil on the moonless night of May 02, 2011. The ‘do or die’ dangerous operation was carried out by 79-member US NAVY Seals which lasted for around 40 minutes. <br><br>
America’s most wanted enemy was killed in action (EKIA) and one of the objectives of US’ war on terror was achieved. <br><br>
He was the man whose name left people shivering in fear. The US hounded Osama like a wounded lion. And at last, after a decade, Uncle Sam’s most sought after mission was accomplished. <br><br>
The world could not believe the news of Osama bin Laden’s death. It not only left everyone in a shocked state but also left the Pakistanis red-faced with embarrassment. <br><br>
The man who had mercilessly killed thousands of innocent people in the name of jihad was gunned down with two shots and killed in just a few seconds. <br><br>
May 02, 2011 was indeed a victorious day for the people of the United States. As the US commandos hovered over Pakistan’s sky, the ‘stone-faced’ President Barack Obama along with his team sat in a mute state in the Situation Room of the White House to monitor the suspenseful operation as it unfolded. <br><br>
It was a black episode in the history of Pakistan as it was faced with a series of embarrassing questions post the Osama raid. Pakistan tried its level best to defend itself by bellowing that unilateral action of the US on Pakistani soil was an attack on its sovereignty. <br><br>
But, Islamabad should have turned the guns on its own face because there could be only two possibilities of Osama bin laden hiding successfully in Pakistan. It was either a huge intelligence failure or they were really protecting him. <br><br>
In both the cases, Pakistan emerged as a failed state and unsuccessful at capturing the al Qaeda leader, who was having a gala time and planning more attacks, just a few kilometers away from a Pakistani military base near the garrison city of Abbottabad in a posh compound with his children and wives. <br><br>
There is a saying - “If you try to hide fire in your fist, it will definitely burn your hand.” <br><br>
This is what exactly happened with Pakistan. Instead of coming crystal clear, Pakistan refused to confess its grave mistake that dented its image forever in the fight against terrorism. <br><br>

Well, it’s been a year since the world got rid of bin Laden. But al Qaeda, with a new leader Ayman al Zawahiri, is still planning to attack the US, although he hasn’t been able to pose a major threat to the US after Osama’s death. <br><br>

Of late, there have been various revelations about the slain terrorist, Osama, whom the world knew as a rogue Islamic extremist. After nailing Osama, US authorities searched the documents which were found at his place of hiding. His personal life became the TRP and Hits in the media world. <br><br>

In the last one year, not many people were aware of Abbottabad, but the world’s most dreaded terrorist, Osama made it his shelter for around six years. Now, the compound in which he was staying has been demolished.
Osama’s death led to a new all-time low in already battered US–Pak ties. The two countries can embark on a fresh journey only if Pakistan shows renewed determination to fight terrorism. <br><br>

Although, the killing of Osama has ended one chapter but nonetheless, it is only one of many chapters in the world’s fight against terror. Whether it’s home-grown terrorism or religious fundamentalism, the loss at the end is of innocent lives that pay the price for such intolerable crimes.
It is important to change the ideology of a brain full of hatred towards a particular community or a country to wipe off terrorists like Osama.