Tips to rock your X`mas party

Updated: Dec 20, 2009, 17:23 PM IST

Here comes the soft winter breeze with the soothing music of carols proclaiming the birth of Lord Christ. Far somewhere in the North Pole, Santa packs his bags with gifts to drop at your house and fulfill all that you wish this Christmas. <br/><br/>In the chilly winters everyone wants to feel the warmth of celebrations and thus tends to indulge in the festive mood a week before December 25. Recession and peaking prices of essentials have already dug a deep hole in our pockets. But still, celebration is something that helps wade over all troubles. <br/><br/>This Christmas we bring to you some very simple, reasonable yet trendy tips to make your home a welcome place for the baby Christ and the chubby Santa.<br/><br/>Christmas holidays are the best time to throw parties as every one is in a festive mood. It is the best time to meet your old friends, relatives and make new ones. <br/><br/>But just before throwing a party, you need to consider a lot of things like invitations, venue, theme, food, games and much more. <br/><br/>1. Decide on the venue i.e. whether you want to throw a party at home, restaurant, club etc.<br/><br/>2. Decide on the menu. If you want to cook for your guests, don’t try anything new at the last moment. Do include cakes, puddings, mocktails and cocktails in your menu. (Warning: Don’t indulge in too much of drinking as it can spoil the festive mood)<br/><br/>3. Call up your guests and inform them about the time and venue to make sure that they are present on the occasion.<br/><br/>Also inform them about the type of party i.e. whether it’s a casual get together or a theme based party. <br/><br/>4. Decorate your house to make the guests feel welcomed. (On how to decorate your house this Christmas click for (`House Decoration Tips`).<br/><br/>5. Arrange for a fireplace or room heater so that your guests don’t feel the chill of winters. <br/><br/>6. Pull out dishes that go with the festive mood. Decorate the table with candles and ribbons. Get a bit creative in laying out the menu on the table and win applause for the great efforts.<br/><br/>7. Organize games to keep your guests engaged.<br/><br/><br/>8. After you are done with the merry making, don’t forget to sit together and thank the Lord almighty for all that he has given. <br/><br/>9. When your guests begin to leave, do remember to give them gifts and thank them for their pleasant company.<br/>