The cardboard cut-outs of the RSS

Updated: Nov 07, 2012, 14:58 PM IST

Does Narendra Modi who has reduced the RSS to a total spent force in Gujarat know something that the rest of the BJP is still grappling with?

With a Nitin Gadkari sized problem despite the bariatric surgery the battered principal opposition is hoping that the goose stoppers in the khaki knickers give it a break and allow it to enter the 21st century.

Till the BJP cuts this increasingly septic umbilical cord it has no hope of office or even the right to take its own decisions.

This is the only commonality between Atalji and his polar opposite Narendra Modi. They both realise that the RSS has outgrown its use in the life of the BJP. And, as the out of touch sangh is in Nagpur attempt to micromanage the affairs of the party, the agony of the BJP is laid bare.

Modi after assuming office cut the RSS to size something for which they still have not forgiven him. But, the rootless Delhi leaders in their petty fights always wanted the Sangh to have the last word. They competed to be the cardboard cut-outs of the month propped up by the Nabobs of Nagpur.

Gadkari with his penchant for foot in the mouth and a Maharashtra politician`s inability to say no to a sweet deal in the grand school of Sharad Pawar was and continues to be the ideal `swamsevak` for the RSS. Who cares if he has robbed the BJP of the corruption plank or brought down public discourse to a new low, he is one of them - a Maharashtra brahmin. And, hey presto Gurumurthy swings in service and provides purity to Gadkari`s company `purti`

Both Gadkari and the RSS look faintly ridiculous, utterly provincial and bereft of any new ideas.

If the khaki knickers and the Hitler salute have not gone the way of becoming anachronistic, its time the BJP took a leaf out of Modi`s book and bid them farewell.

It should also bid Gadkari bye bye and decide on a president by itself and stop taking dictation from Nagpur.

The problem is that all the claimants fear Modi so much that they want to keep him at bay using the Nagpur bogey.

Trouble is that while Modi scares the daylights out of them, the voters are now laughing at them.