Thank God It's <i>popcorn</i> Friday!

Updated: May 30, 2009, 11:01 AM IST

Talk about it! With no new releases at the multiplexes, it’s been tough to come up with ways to unwind after a long tiring week at a recession-hit workplace.
But, it’s thanks to the very lucratively entertaining IPL for proving a real dose of entertainment when little could be expected at the Box Office. Cricket did come as a respite, at a time when there seemed to be no end in sight to the spat between Bollywood producers and multiplex owners. As no one agreed on middle ground, it appeared to be never ending saga, and took a toll on all the movie buffs I know.
And though the standoff continued for about two months, I still picked up a newspaper to read a movie review, as the first thing to be done on a Friday morning. Fridays have always meant being bombarded with phone calls from friends asking me how a particular movie is faring, and waking me up from my otherwise deep sleep - thanks to this being my work!
But for all this while, weekends seemed to have lost all the charm, which made me imagine how badly I call for ‘entertainment’.
You must’ve felt lucky, only if you are a bookworm, for nothing else could’ve compensated for this dampener...I guess. All the rest went through the frustration of idle weekends and dates gone flop. I mean, Indian men have never had better pretexts of asking their girls out!
While everyone wanted Hindi cinema back as soon as possible, the DVD market and movie channels enjoyed a gala time, for Bolly buffs were hogging them amidst the deadlock that had halted the movie releases at multiplexes.
It was nothing else but sheer disappointment for the ones who thought that the new releases would be a breath of fresh air in the dreary Bollywood. The big budget potboilers are still awaiting the light of the day. Some much-awaited flicks like- ‘Kaminay’, ‘Kambakht Ishq’, ‘London Dreams’ and ‘New York’, are bound to bear the brunt for having to release too close together.
And now that the boxwallahs have reached some sort of an agreement, I would like to add that it really is time that both the parties stopped underestimating the viewers, for we won’t die without movies, would we? Hmm...we did die a lot of times because of the same, but then they say, when you’re made to die everyday it becomes more of a habit and I am proud of my tolerance anyway!
Well, it’s been a real test of patience though!!