Stepping into college life

Updated: Jun 15, 2011, 17:32 PM IST

As the trepidant teenager gears to the new and probably the most life defining phase of living, an array of emotions and queries envelopes the beginning of the fabled college-life.
What to do and what not to? Which college is the right one for me? Will I be able to make it to that college? Which course best suits me? Will my extracurricular activities or sports prowess be of any help during the admission? Will I be a part of a cool yet secure setup?
These are some of the questions which are giving sleepless nights to thousands of students who have passed out from school this year. Every June, this is a story that repeats itself. And in the capital city, the story is told mostly with the Delhi University (DU) and its colleges in the background.
After the results are announced, the one and the only thing in most pass outs’ mind is to get enrolled in the most prestigious university. The discomfort of scorching Delhi heat fails to deter the youth-charged minds. June is undoubtedly the hottest of months for all DU aspirants, in more ways than one.
Students who had followed strict school-to-home regime throughout their lives till now, anticipate a new lease of life in college. It is in college that children, for the first time, come close to experiencing absolute freedom.
From time to time, Delhi University launches fresh courses considering the present market trends and demands. Thankfully, due to the introduction of new courses, there are a plethora of options available to students. Though the choices widen the career possibilities for the students, choosing the right one can be a perplexing experience.
Students must not hesitate to take guidance and counselling from their elders - siblings, cousins, and friends or parents. However, it is also advisable to talk to some existing college students and alumni in order to get a realistic idea of the place and the degree you’re opting for.
It’s absolutely upon students whether they want to change their stream from science to commerce or arts or whether they want to pursue a professional degree in journalism, foreign language, BBA, BCA or if they want to specialise in particular subject by doing honours. However, before taking the final plunge, students need to introspect whether they have the interest or are just going with the flow. Giving-in to peer pressure in choosing the right degree and college can be a life-damning experience for many.
Be practical about things, analyze your strengths and weaknesses honestly to yourself. Have a healthy talk in the head and think about your ambitions before succumbing to parents’ expectations or peer pressure. Remember, this is a golden time of your life which will never come again.
Once the college-course scene is sorted, the first thing (in many cases it was the thing even before getting admitted) that comes to the mind is adjusting yourself with college life and the start of it on the right step.
School and college life are totally different worlds. While the former is full of rules, discipline, punctuality, squeaky clean uniforms, and a bag which weighs more than yours, the latter will be much more relaxed, liberating and exploring.
You will experience a new sense of freedom where you are not required to be in premises of the institution before the morning assembly starts. Unlike school, where you sit on a seat for six hours and teachers take classes, you will have to go different classes to attend your lectures. Teachers won’t run after you. In fact, you will run after your teachers asking about classes especially if they are tough guest faculties!
However, one thing common in school and college is - studies. Yes (sadly), in college too, you have to study hard(er) to score well in exams. No matter what is done during college hours, a good percentage is a must and cannot be substituted with any alibi.
A learned college professor once told his bunch of mavericks, “The only excuse for getting a bad result due to lack of knowledge is death. Preferably your own!”
During three years of college life, students also get an opportunity to explore their city, like the best hang-out places, malls, markets, movie theatres and etc. There is a whole new world to make friends with and open your minds to a different view.
Overall, it’s going to be the most memorable part of your life, the imprints of which will bring smile on your face later in life. It is said that nostalgia helps prevent heart attacks and here’s wishing you some fond memories for life from your coming college days!