He’s just not that into you!

Updated: Aug 26, 2011, 16:24 PM IST

It is said that marriages are made in heaven. Your destiny has been already planned by the almighty even before you are born on the earth. Once you grow up, you get acquainted with new people of opposite sex. And since you are a human being and not a zombie, some attraction is likely to happen! <br><br>

It is then when you should think whether you should avoid it and repent later over lost opportunity or go with the flow. <br><br>

Love is a beautiful thing as long as it is mutual, but sometimes it can turn ugly. When you are in love, then everything in this world seems possible, easy and wonderful. <br><br>

In the present times, especially life in metropolitan cities, people are too busy in their hectic schedules. There is hardly time left for love. Similarly, relationships have also undergone a sea change. Many people prefer ‘no strings attached’ kind of relationships. Today, young boys and girls fall for each other, oblivious of the future of their relationship. <br><br>

Jaya Narang*, 24, advertising executive, says, “There was this guy in my college who used to be very handsome as well as intelligent. I was completely mesmerized by his witty nature and soon we started seeing each other. But, my world turned upside down when I asked him about taking our relation to a next level. Then, that guy reacted in a very strange way. He asked me if I know him a single bit, and said that he would never marry anyone.” <br><br>

Similarly, another girl, Sonika Gupta*, 28, a BPO consultant says, “In my previous workplace, I was romantically involved with one of the senior persons. He used to compliment me for my good-looks and my kind nature. As he was in a higher position, I had to consult him on some matters. Gradually, we started exchanging messages, he considered me as his sexy muse and I also had no qualms as I was single at that time and for me it was a sort of budding romance that could possibly have a future. After a few months, one day he sent me a message in which he demanded to satisfy his physical needs. When I refused, his ‘sexy muse’ turned into ‘Auntyji’.” <br><br>

The above mentioned instances clearly show that such men are heartbreakers and have commitment phobias. Women, who often dream about tall, dark and handsome men, may end up crestfallen when the same guy brutally hurts their feelings. <br><br>

If single, the wounds of hurt can still heal with a passage of time, but, if you are already a married woman and having an affair, then it may turn out to be a nightmarish experience because the guilt of infidelity. You would find yourself in the middle of nowhere if you don’t share a healthy relationship with your husband. A bad marriage plus a failed affair will be enough to wreck your life. <br><br>

And then there is the live-in-relationships. It means staying with your partner without getting into the institution of marriage. These are the most perilous relations, as they do not come with any assurance from either side. These affairs occur mostly to those people who stay away from their families. So, people easily succumb to these relations to alleviate the monotony of their lives. Live-in- relationships can have devastating consequences when they come to an end. Who knows the person you are thinking about to spend your entire life with may just turn out to be passing his time, considering you as an object of diversion. Such a man will remain yours till the time you are serving him as a commodity, the moment you say ‘no’ to him, he won’t think twice before throwing you out of his life. <br><br>

As life goes on, women should be strong and mature enough to handle the ups and downs of relationships and instead, focus on the positive aspects of their life including their careers. With time, you will surely find your true soul mate, your Mr. Right, who deserves your unconditional love. Okay!! Maybe at least someone close to the concept of Mr Right. <br><br>

Give a thought to your relationship status and check out if your current flame is worth maintaining or the time has come to realize that he’s just not that into you! <br><br>

<i>* (Names have been changed to protect the identities) </i>