Being a woman when you must!

Updated: Mar 06, 2010, 18:02 PM IST

I strongly believe that success tactics are not very different for women or men in the professional world out there. And yeah…we talk about equality and stuff, but hey…it's blissful to have a day in the year, when we can together rejoice over the strides women have taken over the years; that’s a fact that can’t be doubted. But let’s face it girls…we still have to deal with a lot many more lifestyle pressures compared to men. <br/><br/>However, womanhood has a substantial plus side too. What we must commemorate on this International Women’s Day is how we’ve learnt the smart ways to be a woman when we really want to!<br/><br/>For all the fellow sisters who’ve still not figured out the power of being a woman, it’s high time to realize how easy it is for us to burst into tears in public to get the frustration out (just in case), or cry for emotional reasons, or for no specific reason at all – and just blame the mood swings on ‘that time of the month’! <br/><br/>Our tears are at least perceived as an outlet for emotional stress, and not as a sign of weakness (sorry guys). Please allow me to be satirical here – the tears can best be used as a winning tool in an argumentative situation – your point will have to be heard and agreed upon! And after all, who minds that extra attention in the end!<br/><br/>We are socially accepted as proud ‘homemakers’ if we choose to live that way. What a relief from the social obligation of ‘earning enough for the family’. Well, we can also get off with those years younger than us without being tagged as old perverts! <br/><br/>Let’s not ignore the most visible benefit of being a woman – we have the amazing option of wearing make-up. Of course, we are ‘natural beauties’ (wink), but who minds enhancing those pretty looks! How easy it is for us to look taller whenever we have to (thanks to the most stylish heels available). We can dazzle in those modish dresses and don’t lack choices when it comes to dressing up for parties and weddings. And yes, we have full control over our eyebrows!<br/><br/>What an advantage: You can wear his shirts or T-shirts if you want, but poor he can’t even think of getting into any of your designer dresses! Then, everyone knows that we love shopping, so you can’t be questioned about your ability to shop till you drop!<br/><br/>We can manage to look perfect with just some running on the treadmill, and don’t have to do all the weights and stuff…as we are presumed to be beautiful if slim. Great!<br/> <br/>You can’t ignore the benefits that may come in your way from men in the name of chivalry! You can feel important every time he opens the car door for you before hopping on to the driver’s seat himself. Also, it’s not inevitable for ‘her’ to be a master at the talent of driving…it’s given – ‘we belong to the gender of bad drivers’ (Personally, it’s a relief as I don’t seem to be getting the art ever)!<br/><br/>If you’re a daddy’s girl, you can comfortably feel most protective. But respecting a mamma’s boy isn’t easy. Right! <br/><br/>The best is that we know our ‘what’s and whys’ annoy men. Good if they take us to be irritating, we get the license to be ourselves! Let’s not allow men have it easier this time. Make the most of the chance to have more fun with some loud laughs and the famous giggles to be had along the way. Cheers to the ‘supremacy of womanhood’!